The Work of Byron Katie is a simple yet powerful process of inquiry that supports you to identify and question the thoughts that cause suffering. It’s a way to understand what’s hurting you, and address the cause of your problems with clarity. In its most basic form, The Work consists of four questions and the turnarounds.
It is astonishingly simple and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. It requires nothing more than a willingness to open the mind.
For a comprehensive exploration of this process, visit
It is astonishingly simple and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. It requires nothing more than a willingness to open the mind.
For a comprehensive exploration of this process, visit
“The root cause of suffering is identification with our thoughts.
The Work is a razor sharp sword that cuts through the illusion and enables you to know for yourself the timeless essence of your being. This is the key, now use it.” ECKHART TOLLE |
Tom Compton offers The Work of Byron Katie, working globally with individuals, groups, and organizations. He's had the privilege of sitting with thousands of people from all walks of Life, applying this simple yet profound process. Tom has had a daily practice in The Work for the last 24 years and has staffed over 25 of Byron Katie's 9-day and 14-day School's since 1999.
He works full-time as a facilitator, offering the invitation to discover how The Work can awaken a kind, loving presence within. More on Tom here. |
WORK WITH ME"I feel like I have been given a secret formula to recognize destructive thinking and process thoughts so they are not in control of me."
E.B |
ABOUT"Sitting with Tom is like sitting with Unconditional Love"
S.C. |
JOIN ME"Something has shifted inside, a sweet love and acceptance of who I am/who I have been has sprouted and it taking roots."
E.M.M. |
"Above all else The Work as meditation allows us to realize the kind, creative, intelligence that directs everything."