"Doing 'The Work' in a Tom Compton retreat for me was like a twelve-step program on steroids.
Given the lasting sense of deep peace, serenity and happiness I came away with, I felt I was granted a taste of the freedom one reads about in the lives of the great saints. My own true miracle!" DAVID BALAKRISHNAN Founding violinist of the two-time Grammy winning, Turtle Island Quartet |
March 9-16, 2025: 7-day Retreat in Brazil
Registration now open!!!
Live group calls • Every Wednesday
March 9-16, 2025: 7-day Retreat in Brazil
Registration now open!!!
Live group calls • Every Wednesday
I have experience, and I love this work. Put me to work for you and your community.
To arrange a weekend or weeklong event in your home or community, send a request to [email protected].
To arrange a weekend or weeklong event in your home or community, send a request to [email protected].
Using exercises, sacred poetry, music, movement and group dynamics woven together to support us in honouring, seeing clearly, and stepping out of old paradigms that no longer serve us in loving Life as it unfolds.
Through The Work as meditation we can begin to bring everything within ourselves, heaven and hell, dark and light, into the "light" of conscious awareness and finally begin to meet it all with love and understanding. These retreats are ideal for beginners as well as more advanced practitioners in The Work. Discover for yourself how this Work can awaken an unconditionally kind and loving presence within you. |
“Among the most powerful/wonderful experiences of my life. I loved the poetry & the music. The exercises & explorations were profound. I found myself able to hold space for all parts of my experience more fully than I’ve been able to before. And I had a lot of fun. I’ve felt supported, safe, unconditionally held by the group, the home, the place. As a result, I was able to look deeply & really go inside. Hearing my mind expressed by others is always illuminating in ways I couldn’t imagine experiencing alone”
“Healing has begun, I remember that I am love, I have returned to love. I learned more from the other people’s experiences and sharing than I could have imagined."
“Peaceful and life-changing. I have more love for my children and myself. I gained a feeling of belonging and tools at my fingertips to work through pain.”
“This experience was an amazing bonus to a huge turning point in my life. It brought an awareness to all the love I have around me and have for myself all the time, which I sometimes forget. There is a profound importance to being reminded how wonderful life is, and for me this is the best place to do it.”
“Tremendous support, inspiration, guidance in uncovering the cause of unhappiness. I loved this workshop! Thanks to Tom for [his] skill, dedication, love. I feel free, up for life, equipped to handle whatever arises, and renewed love of this incredible life.”
“One of the most moving and life changing retreats that I have done. Having the time to let down and not do anything - to focus on the within and ask questions was of infinite value. I loved the intimate setting and the chance to ask questions with Tom made it such a personal experience. It helped me see more, be more honest, and go deeper into myself.”
“I went through the eye of a needle.”
“[I have] a deeper understanding of how to really do 'The Work' and a connectedness I haven’t felt in years.”
“I do The Work pretty regularly with a phone buddy and this time, Tom’s guidance, love, and humour/joy - and the superb support of space and time - have opened me up for more than I imagined.”
"It’s revolutionized my life.”
“I loved meeting new friends. Everyone supported me and I was cared for. There was a sense of family. This retreat helped me go deeper and also helped me do The Work; understand it better.”
“[This retreat] was heart opening, soul opening and enriching. Tom took me from right and wrong to receiving the grace of life - I’m given another new day."
“Not sure words can capture how this experience has been - marvellous, sweet, blissful, humorous - beyond words...one of the deepest and most life changing experiences I’ve ever had.”
“Pure Deliciousness! Space to sit, notice and be held while doing The Work.”
“I feel softer knowing/seeing the innocence of all of us.”
"Deeper insights into the true nature of my real self were precious gifts I received through the support and facilitation of Tom and the entire group. This is one of the best means I know of to really examine fundamental beliefs and invite them to transform.”
"[This retreat with Tom] has deepened my understanding of The Work and I feel reconnected to love, to God/The Source/Great Spirit and my true self. I am blessed with remembering my oneness.”
“Deeper and deeper immersion in The Work. Tom’s relentless love and clarity for my freedom. [I recommend this retreat] without hesitation, if you want more freedom.”
“Powerful, mind opening. I can see all the stories, thoughts and images which cover my true nature. And I like my feelings, emotions and thoughts - that’s me! Love understands anything.”
“This is possibly the most important part of my entire year. Can’t say how much this refills me with love/community/clarity.”
“I would absolutely recommend this retreat. Because it’s a beautiful setting, love abounds, and Tom is such a gentle, generous soul! He is a guide to be trusted.”
“A deep dive into reality beyond right and wrong, freshness in the way of alternating group sessions, poems, and movement/dance. Something has shifted inside, a sweet love and acceptance of who I am/who I have been has sprouted and it taking roots. The inspiring poems and readings were perfect trips to love and truth.”
“Priceless. Amazing. Beautiful. Enriching. Powerful. Tough at times - amazing. I would love for others to experience and see the love I am able to see.”
“I am ‘enchanté’. It fed all the needs that were there. I have the feeling of being closer to what is most important for me: unconditional love.”
"So good to go home seeing how it is my thinking that limits me and not life circumstances or other people. I appreciated Tom's warmth and clarity. Thank you for putting on such a loving and supportive event."
"I'm taking away a clearer idea of what Love really is rather than my grasping painful idea. Every single time I'm with Tom I love myself and others just a little bit more in a way that stays."
"I am filled with such freedom and peace. I am moved and changed. Thank you."
"The biggest aspect of this that was helpful to me was realizing it's never the thought I thought it was causing me discomfort. Only when you are able to be still and nonjudgmental is the thought able to tell you want it needs (in order) to move on. I am telling everyone I know about the next one. This could benefit anyone who's ready to face their shit."
"A great appreciation for Tom's presence, loving direction, sense of humour, insights, guidance."
"This is my first experience doing The Work with a group of people and it has been an extraordinary experience. I leave the workshop with a much deeper understanding of the power of The Work and a much lighter heart.
Even though I ad been doing The Work on my own with some success, I was repeatedly surprised by the "magical" way that the turnarounds affected me. Tom was a fantastic facilitator - generous, kind, understanding, and very willing to cut through "the crap" in our thoughts, all for love."
"There were so many relatable moments and instances that were shared that were very impactful. My biggest take away was that life is life. My thinking about life is only my thoughts. Being able to experience who I would be if I didn't experience these thoughts was huge for me."
"I realized how many thoughts I carry all the time (causing me suffering) that I didn't even know were running my life! I am, again, more aware that doing The Work regularly would benefit me.
I love Tom's total presence with gentleness where needed and straight truth where greatest learning is facilitated (often with humour)! I am amazed and grateful to have been able to WORK so many beliefs!"
"What I found most supportive was Tom's insights into how the mind and ego operate in managing/manipulating our thoughts."
"If you have tried doing The Work before and found it dry, mechanical, heady in one way or another, come to a Tom Compton workshop where you can go into the living, beating heart of The Work. Tom's genuine yes-ness and love brings it home to a living practice with a heart - to the heart."
"My experience of feeling inner peace is beyond words. The Work is real work and the results I experience are also real. Thank you Tom for using the questions to break my beliefs open and providing a path to freedom from the torture they were causing me"
“Healing has begun, I remember that I am love, I have returned to love. I learned more from the other people’s experiences and sharing than I could have imagined."
“Peaceful and life-changing. I have more love for my children and myself. I gained a feeling of belonging and tools at my fingertips to work through pain.”
“This experience was an amazing bonus to a huge turning point in my life. It brought an awareness to all the love I have around me and have for myself all the time, which I sometimes forget. There is a profound importance to being reminded how wonderful life is, and for me this is the best place to do it.”
“Tremendous support, inspiration, guidance in uncovering the cause of unhappiness. I loved this workshop! Thanks to Tom for [his] skill, dedication, love. I feel free, up for life, equipped to handle whatever arises, and renewed love of this incredible life.”
“One of the most moving and life changing retreats that I have done. Having the time to let down and not do anything - to focus on the within and ask questions was of infinite value. I loved the intimate setting and the chance to ask questions with Tom made it such a personal experience. It helped me see more, be more honest, and go deeper into myself.”
“I went through the eye of a needle.”
“[I have] a deeper understanding of how to really do 'The Work' and a connectedness I haven’t felt in years.”
“I do The Work pretty regularly with a phone buddy and this time, Tom’s guidance, love, and humour/joy - and the superb support of space and time - have opened me up for more than I imagined.”
"It’s revolutionized my life.”
“I loved meeting new friends. Everyone supported me and I was cared for. There was a sense of family. This retreat helped me go deeper and also helped me do The Work; understand it better.”
“[This retreat] was heart opening, soul opening and enriching. Tom took me from right and wrong to receiving the grace of life - I’m given another new day."
“Not sure words can capture how this experience has been - marvellous, sweet, blissful, humorous - beyond words...one of the deepest and most life changing experiences I’ve ever had.”
“Pure Deliciousness! Space to sit, notice and be held while doing The Work.”
“I feel softer knowing/seeing the innocence of all of us.”
"Deeper insights into the true nature of my real self were precious gifts I received through the support and facilitation of Tom and the entire group. This is one of the best means I know of to really examine fundamental beliefs and invite them to transform.”
"[This retreat with Tom] has deepened my understanding of The Work and I feel reconnected to love, to God/The Source/Great Spirit and my true self. I am blessed with remembering my oneness.”
“Deeper and deeper immersion in The Work. Tom’s relentless love and clarity for my freedom. [I recommend this retreat] without hesitation, if you want more freedom.”
“Powerful, mind opening. I can see all the stories, thoughts and images which cover my true nature. And I like my feelings, emotions and thoughts - that’s me! Love understands anything.”
“This is possibly the most important part of my entire year. Can’t say how much this refills me with love/community/clarity.”
“I would absolutely recommend this retreat. Because it’s a beautiful setting, love abounds, and Tom is such a gentle, generous soul! He is a guide to be trusted.”
“A deep dive into reality beyond right and wrong, freshness in the way of alternating group sessions, poems, and movement/dance. Something has shifted inside, a sweet love and acceptance of who I am/who I have been has sprouted and it taking roots. The inspiring poems and readings were perfect trips to love and truth.”
“Priceless. Amazing. Beautiful. Enriching. Powerful. Tough at times - amazing. I would love for others to experience and see the love I am able to see.”
“I am ‘enchanté’. It fed all the needs that were there. I have the feeling of being closer to what is most important for me: unconditional love.”
"So good to go home seeing how it is my thinking that limits me and not life circumstances or other people. I appreciated Tom's warmth and clarity. Thank you for putting on such a loving and supportive event."
"I'm taking away a clearer idea of what Love really is rather than my grasping painful idea. Every single time I'm with Tom I love myself and others just a little bit more in a way that stays."
"I am filled with such freedom and peace. I am moved and changed. Thank you."
"The biggest aspect of this that was helpful to me was realizing it's never the thought I thought it was causing me discomfort. Only when you are able to be still and nonjudgmental is the thought able to tell you want it needs (in order) to move on. I am telling everyone I know about the next one. This could benefit anyone who's ready to face their shit."
"A great appreciation for Tom's presence, loving direction, sense of humour, insights, guidance."
"This is my first experience doing The Work with a group of people and it has been an extraordinary experience. I leave the workshop with a much deeper understanding of the power of The Work and a much lighter heart.
Even though I ad been doing The Work on my own with some success, I was repeatedly surprised by the "magical" way that the turnarounds affected me. Tom was a fantastic facilitator - generous, kind, understanding, and very willing to cut through "the crap" in our thoughts, all for love."
"There were so many relatable moments and instances that were shared that were very impactful. My biggest take away was that life is life. My thinking about life is only my thoughts. Being able to experience who I would be if I didn't experience these thoughts was huge for me."
"I realized how many thoughts I carry all the time (causing me suffering) that I didn't even know were running my life! I am, again, more aware that doing The Work regularly would benefit me.
I love Tom's total presence with gentleness where needed and straight truth where greatest learning is facilitated (often with humour)! I am amazed and grateful to have been able to WORK so many beliefs!"
"What I found most supportive was Tom's insights into how the mind and ego operate in managing/manipulating our thoughts."
"If you have tried doing The Work before and found it dry, mechanical, heady in one way or another, come to a Tom Compton workshop where you can go into the living, beating heart of The Work. Tom's genuine yes-ness and love brings it home to a living practice with a heart - to the heart."
"My experience of feeling inner peace is beyond words. The Work is real work and the results I experience are also real. Thank you Tom for using the questions to break my beliefs open and providing a path to freedom from the torture they were causing me"